Book Group is Back!

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels

Thursdays 1-2pm via Zoom – contact the office for the link

St Luke’s Book Group and members of the Trekkies study group are now meeting via Zoom to share their journey of reading various books and reflecting on the insights these books offer.

The first book they are tackling is “God and the Pandemic” by Tom Wright.  He introduces the book here:

It is available as

Rev. Paul will also be exploring themes from the book in upcoming online worship videos.

For those of you who have been missing your weekly Trek through the lectionary, the book group may be a good place to connect, however if you are looking for a weekly discussion on our Lectionary Readings, there are a couple of podcasts you may enjoy listening to:

Tea with Two Revs with Rev Amanda Nicolas from East Geelong UC and Rev Ann Key from St Andrews-St Alban’s congregations in Geelong’s Eastern side

And “By the Well” with Revs Fran Barber and Robyn Whitaker (featured in the latest edition of “Crosslight” here: