Worship Online Sunday 12th September 2021

In recent weeks we have been looking at the resources we can draw on to keep afloat in these times.  This week our attention turns to the value of “wisdom.”

Given the maximum number of people who can attend in-person worship is 20 it looks like the next few weeks we will be continuing with online videos like this one.

Next week we will be celebrating local endeavours to care for God’s good gift of creation; and on September 26th … given it is close to the feast day of St Francis of Assisi … we will be giving thanks to God for the blessing of animals. And we are inviting you to send us pictures of animals that have been a blessing to you.

Opening Prayer

Loving God,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

We praise you for the wonders and mystery of your creation of which we are a part.

We praise you for the amazing tapestry of the stars and planets in the clear night sky;

We praise you for the all the unfolding life of this season of spring … fresh green shoots, the joy of the dawn chorus of birdsongs, and the vibrant colour and scents of blossom,

Enable us to be truly thankful for the blessing of this universe in which we have a home.

Help us to discern your presence in the midst of all the things that make up our daily lives.

And enable us, right now, to be open to you … to listen for your word of wisdom for us …

Forgive us when we fail to seek your guidance, when we convince ourselves that our way is always the best way and that we can do it all by ourselves.

Open us to the transformation and renewal that your Spirit can truly make to us and our lives.

May we grasp hold of your forgiveness, your grace and your life poured out in Christ Jesus.

Give us the courage and strength to walk Jesus way … the way of the cross and the empty tomb.

And we pray in the name of Jesus. the way, the truth and the life.


Today’s Readings:

Proverbs 1:20-27,33

Mark 8:27-31

For a deeper dive into Proverbs:

If you would like to sing along with the hymn Paul mentioned, here’s a version you can join in with:

Prayers of intercession

Gracious God,

Help us to follow in the way of Jesus, to walk his way of wisdom;

Empower us to be ambassadors of the path of abundant life that he offers.

We pray for our world that is broken and in pain.
For those who are in sorrow and need.
For the hungry, poor, and lonely.
For the sick and bereaved.
Be their rock and constant companion through difficult and dark days.

We pray for all who are struggling to find truth and wisdom in the world…

We hold before you those known to us with deep and often unnamed needs … the anxious, the lonely, the unloved, the sick the dying and the grieving …

We also remember before you those who are genuinely putting themselves at risk for the sake of others … medical staff, emergency service personnel, teachers, children’s workers, carers, public transport drivers …

Draw near to all in need and grant the peace of Your presence,
the healing of Your touch and Your guidance
and assurance of love
so that all who are weak and weary
may walk in hope and faith.
In the name of Christ, Amen

Elements of this prayer are by Rev Chris Blackshaw, Ayr Farming Support Minister, September 12th, 16th Sunday after Pentecost | The Church of Scotland

Word of mission

Go forth into the world in peace;

be of good courage;

hold fast that which is good;

render to no one evil for evil;

strengthen the faint-hearted;

support the weak;

help the afflicted;

honour all people;

love and serve the Lord,

rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.