P2 masks available at church for hearing aid wearers

P2 masks are available for sale at church

Having spoken to a few people at church who struggle with masks and hearing aids, we have purchased some quality P2 masks with headbands rather than earloops to avoid tangles.

These are the kind of masks your GP would wear in a consultation – high protection yet comfortable as they sit away from your face.  They go well with glasses, reducing fogging as they can mould quite closely to your face.

Available during office hours and Sunday mornings, $3 per mask or 4 for $10.  While they are single use masks, they can be re-used if treated carefully:

“An easy way to minimise waste if you own N95 masks is to safely extend their life. In hospital settings, it’s advised to avoid use beyond one day and to dispose if they become soiled or moist.

This, however, is not realistic for the general public, such as when supply is low. There are a range of methods to reuse N95 masks safely, which are supported by the mask’s inventor. There are also re-usable options such as elastometric respirators.

For disposable respirators, the most straightforward reuse method in non-medical settings is to rotate your mask every three or four days, storing it in a clean paper bag when not in use. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after you touch your mask, and keep your mask dry — if your mask gets wet, stop using it. Consider numbering your masks so you don’t mix them up.”

Source: ABC news article: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-29/covid-omicron-fabric-masks-n95-kn95-respirator/100788406

While mask wearing indoors is no longer mandated, it is strongly recommended by health professionals.  Worship might feel like a safe place, but there are people attending who have daily exposure to the Coronavirus through workplace and school settings.  Churches are still a risky environment for people who are unmasked and unvaccinated.

Take care out there everyone!