St. Luke’s House Church recently celebrated it’s 20 year anniversary. Here’s an excerpt of the History of House Church and some photos from the Anniversary Celebration:
In The Beginning … As Elizabeth Nicholls wrote in her reflections at the tenth anniversary of House Church, “House Church began its life around the dinner table early in 1997.” Earlier in the 1990’s, David (then Uniting Church Chaplain at The Geelong Hospital) was invited to lead some discussions at The Emmaus Group. The Emmaus Group was initiated and coordinated by Dr. Marcus Benjamin (dec.), who was a consultant psychiatrist in Geelong, and a member of the Wesley Uniting Church, Yarra Street. David and Carol also attended various social functions of that group. David became enthusiastic and stated, “You know, one day I wouldn’t mind having a go at running such a group.”
The History of St Luke’s House Church June 2017