A reflection from Alistair Pate – Dry Bones

Hello Friends,

Paul shared a thoughtful reflection from Alistair Pate, who is the minister at Chalice Uniting Church in Northcote and who leads a cafe church which until recently would meet weekly at a local pub in Northcote.

He writes:

“These are very difficult times. The challenge for us is to drink deep from the well of faith. To ground and root ourselves in God’s unchanging love for us, in God’s complete commitment to us, which we see made visible flesh in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

That, at minimum, seems to be our task just now. Perhaps there is an opportunity here, amidst the stress and anxiety, to treat this as a sort of compulsory spiritual retreat? To develop a daily discipline of prayer, work, and recreation? I know that I have experienced significant spiritual deepening in difficult times, when I was really forced back into what is most profound. Perhaps this might be all of our experience through these difficult days ahead?”

Read the rest of Alistair’s post here:

God, You Know

Prayer Points Sunday 2nd June

This week’s prayers with thanks from Trekkies 


  • For the welcome rain.
  • For the wonderful fellowship in the church, especially within the small groups that meet regularly.
  • For opportunities for hospitality – giving and receiving.
  • For new insights about living in a way that reflects the Kingdom of God.
  • For the celebration of the marriage of Tony and Heidi, and for Hannah’s happy involvement.
  • For those working in the medical field – doctors, surgeons, nurses, medical scientists and the wonderful advances in medical technology.


  • For families dealing with mental health issues, and for there to be funding to provide resources for mental health needs.
  • For the victims of violent crime and their families left to pick up the fragments of shattered lives in the wake of traumatic events.
  • For police and other first responders who deal with traumatic situations every day – may they know God’s peace and strength
  • For those in our congregation grieving the loss of beloved pets.
  • For those suffering from anxiety, depression and hopelessness.
  • For the aged, the frail, those who fear losing independence, and those approaching end of life.
  • Pray that God will help us in our response to those who are not well.
  • For ongoing Reconciliation with our First Peoples, and opportunities to support new arrivals.