Hi Messy Church Friends!
Our next Messy Church Zoom will be 4:30pm Friday 18th September – put it on the calendar!
We will be talking about “How Precious and Special we are to God!”
Some fun things are happening during our actual Messy Church Zoom Meeting- including craft, music and catching up and seeing all our friends!
Some things to have ready for our Activity Time
- Think about something that is Special to you (adults too), and bring it to our Zoom time so we can share your special treasure. It might be a toy, or a special rock, just something that means a lot to you.
- Print out the two attachments to this Invitation- one is a word search and one is a colouring puzzle page- so have some colouring pencils and pens ready too.
- Your singing dancing selves for some fun games and music.
Thinking Spot
When we think of God’s Precious people in the world right now, and we know many are struggling in the strange challenging place due to the pandemic or life experiences. But we often feel- what can we do? Some organisations that do help: Uniting World, Save the Children, UNICEF or World Vision.
Maybe a suggestion might be to make it a family project to find ways, through these organisations, that you can help to show that others are precious too.
We miss you, we hope you’re well and safe, and we look forward to seeing you again on Friday September 18th at 4:30pm.
Love from St Luke’s Messy Church: Barbara, Shaghek, Paul, Judy, Jean and Robyn
PS have you read this book before? We have a copy in the St Luke’s Library!
StLukes’s bookshelf: read