Greetings Friends,
In this video we are again delving into some of the themes of Tom Wright’s book, “God and the Pandemic: A Christian reflection on the coronavirus and its aftermath.”
And the theme for this video gets right to the heart of things from a Christian perspective … the place of the man from Nazareth …Jesus … and in particular what we learn through him about God and suffering, God and the Pandemic.
For music today, an encouragement to keep hope from Audrey Assad with a beautiful lyric video of “How can I keep from Singing?”
This week is anti-poverty week – and here’s a message from Bronwyn Pike, COE of Uniting VicTas:
And reminder of the beautiful prayer from this week’s service:
Holy God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you bless us in so many ways.
We praise for you the beauty of creation … for the wonder of spring … for bud and flower … for the song of the Magpie. But most of all, we praise you that you come to us in the person of Jesus, the crucified and risen One.
Compassionate God, we are lost for words when we consider the cross of Christ … the extent of your love made clear on Calvary … we give thanks that through the cross we know you share in the worst that this life can bring.
We celebrate and pray for the witness of Your church throughout the world, in all its colour, diversity and difference.
We hold before you those who have been wounded by life … all who suffer because of hardships, illness, injury, unkindness or abuse. We pray for all who work in caring professions: for the services which seek to sooth and heal the sicknesses of body, mind or spirit.
In these difficult times when we can hardly bring ourselves to watch the news, we pray for our country and the world … particularly remembering before you places of conflict, confusion, oppression, poverty, hunger and thirst. Help us to be some way a part of the answer to this prayer.
We give thanks for and remember the people who have encouraged us in your way … particularly holding before you those who now share in that great cloud of witnesses .. . the saints in light.
And we offer this prayer in the name of Christ, Amen.