The Uniting Churches of Geelong will be joining together in the one place on Pentecost Sunday, 5th June 2022 at 10am.
This means that there will be NO SUNDAY SERVICE AT ST LUKES ON SUNDAY 5th of June.
Instead we encourage everyone from St Luke’s to come to Wesley Uniting Church, 100 Yarra Street Geelong on that day.
We are also invited to join in with a combined choir and band, which will be rehearsing on the next two Tuesday nights, the 24th and 31st of May at 7:00pm at Wesley Uniting Church. To take part, please register with Helen at Wesley UC on 5229 8866.
As plans unfold, there may be a need for helpers on the day, so if you are planning to come and able to assist, I would love to hear from you. Likely tasks would be catering, ushering and such. I will keep you posted as I find out more. We will be sharing news of the Pentecost Service at Sunday mornings, and through our website and social media, however if you are in touch with friends who don’t connect there, could you please help to spread the word so that no-one is left at the front door wondering where everyone is?
May we be blessed with the fire and warmth of the Holy Spirit as we gather as one big Uniting Church community in Geelong!