Pastoral Connections have been seeking contacts who could take and make available to those in the fire-ravaged areas some of our hand-knitted and crocheted shawls, with a card assuring those suffering that we are praying for them. We have had a wonderful response, with the following distribution numbers and areas:
- 6 shawls and 4 knee rugs went to Orbost on 11th January.
- 7 shawls and 3 knee rugs went to a chaplain in Merimbula for delivery to Bombala on the 19th January.
- 5 shawls went to Bright for distribution by the UCA minister.
We still have some available to give to those in fire areas. Please contact Beth on 52436874 if you know of someone who could be comforted by the gift, or who can take into the areas for distribution.