Lenten Offering 2017

Community Garden Facilitators

The Gift of time spent in the company of God

The gift of Self-reflection

The gift of reaching out to our neighbours

The Lenten Offering is an annual event in the life of congregations within the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania. It is conducted during Lent and Easter at a time of reflection, renewal and recommitment.

In response to God’s love for all people and the giving of his son to the world, an opportunity is provided for people of the church to make a sacrificial offering to support important mission projects.

Dignity for GIrls


  • Dignity for girls, International: To provide sanitary supplies to girls growing up in developing countries and to provide sewing machines and overlockers, fabric and other materials needed to produce the sanitary hygiene kits.
  • Ministry Training, National: To provide ministry candidates with additional training about the formation of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) and recent developments in biblical and theological studies as they prepare to become a Minister of the Word or deacon in the UAICC.
  • Live church streaming, Victoria: To help Hamilton Uniting Church purchase the necessary equipment to live stream their weekly church services to ageing congregations members in local hospitals, aged care facilities and homes.
  • Growing Together, Tasmania: To help cover the costs of employing a part-time gardener for a community garden in Tasmania where people grow friendships and develop community connection and improve the nutrition of local school children and families.

By giving a special Lenten Offering you will be helping meet the real needs of people in our local and global communities and sharing the love of god.

To support the Lenten Offering pick up an appeal brochure at church, send a cheque or postal order to Share, PO Box 24154, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001 or free call 1800 668 426.

To donate online, follow this link: http://secure.donman.net.au/client/ShareAppeal/Donate.aspx

Ministry of Hospitality Roast Lunch

What if you knew that by Just Walking Across The Room and saying hello to another person, you could make a huge impact on their life? It is nothing difficult …… just a matter of taking a genuine interest in another human being.

On Sunday 19 March after church, another famous Roast Lamb luncheon will be served. No need to book, just come and Walk Across The Room to strengthen friendships as you share a meal together.

During the past few years, we have invited and welcomed many ‘newcomer’ families to Australia to worship at St Luke’s. Several of these were Refugee/Asylum Seeker families. Through Men’s Shed & Mission Outreach, we meet Newcomers at their point of need (provision of furniture, household items, paper work queries, food, etc.).

By increasing the level of social interaction between our Church Community and with Newcomers, by sharing food, we get to know them better and they get to know us better leading to a greater sense in Newcomers of belonging in the life of St Luke’s.

Rae Anderson – Mission Outreach Ministry Team

Centre for Theology and Mission calendar 2017

The Uniting Church Centre for Theology and Mission in Victoria has just released its calendar of events and opportunities for learning and education for ministry for the first 6 months of 2017.

There are many interesting and inspiring practical training opportunities for ministry leaders and in-depth theological exploration for people wanting to deepen their understanding of faith and how to live today.

You can find all the details at the website here:


and some DL sized cards with the calendar will be available from the church foyer.


Annual Church Picnic

Church Picnic
Church Picnic

Pop the 26th of March in your diaries and start planning your picnic!

Join members of the St. Luke’s Congregation for a relaxing lunch and afternoon at the Barwon Valley Fun Park on Barrabool Road, opposite Riverview Coffee House, now called Cafe R n R.

This area has easy access to Barwon Valley Fun Park, walking tracks, open areas
for ball games, riding bikes, and of course, and is close to the Coffee House for excellent
hamburgers, coffee, cake, etc.  This is a great way to spend a relaxing few hours getting to know some of our newer members or catching up with each other.

BYO everything.

Wet weather venue:  Back at St. Luke’sWhen: Sunday 26th March 2017, 12-2pm

Barwon Valley Park – map

RSVP via Facebook or via our contact form.



It’s Garage Sale Trail time again!

Once again, St. Luke’s Men’s Shed is hosting a community garage sale as part of the Garage Sale Trail on October 22, 2016!

The sale will include:

  • Cake Stall
  • Book Stall
  • Sausage Sizzle
  • Plants
  • Paintings
  • Jewellery
  • Furniture
  • Tools
  • Collectibles
  • a yummy morning tea

If you have furniture you would like to donate for the sale, please contact Ken Anderson on 0412 118 554.

You can book your own stall at the community sale for only $20 by contacting Ian Pooley on 5243 4832.

Bring along your inner “Womble” and see what treasures you’ll find, or bring along your own treasures to sell!


Christmas at St. Luke’s 2015

Christmas services 2015001

Christmas Services at St. Luke’s – up next: Jesus’ Birthday party.  Come along, we’d love to see you and the kids!  Can you guess which of buycbdproducts tunes we’ll be singing on Christmas eve?

Animate monthly on Wednesdays

animate practises logo

A new opportunity to gather with the St Luke’s faith community to explore the Animate Practises study series.

A new small group gathering is commencing next month, monthly on the first Wednesday from 7:30 – 8:30 at the Saravanan’s place in Highton.  If you can’t get out of the house you can still join us via Skype!

Check out the session guide here

Meeting dates are:

  1. Wednesday 4th November 2015
  2. Wednesday 2nd December 2015
  3. Wednesday 3rd February 2016
  4. Wednesday 2nd March 2016
  5. Wednesday 6th April 2016 (this date may be changed as it falls in school holidays)
  6. Wednesday 4th May 2016
  7. Wednesday 1st June 2016

To join please email Linda: lindasaravanan@gmail.com

St. Luke’s is on the Garage Sale Trail for 2015!

Garage Sale Trail COGG Once again, St. Luke’s will be hosting a group sale at the church as part of the 2015 Garage Sale Trail on Saturday the 24th of October. More information about that here:

The Garage Sale Trail is an initiative designed to help the community to recycle their unwanted goods by selling them to people who are keen to buy secondhand. It’s a win/win scenario!

If you have some items you’d like to sell, why not hold your own stall as part of the sale? You can register on the Garage Sale Trail website and all contact details are available there.

St Luke's Garage Sale

New small group study series: Animate!

This month St. Luke’s small groups are starting a new series of studies.

Animate: Practices is a seven-session adult introduction to the central practices of the Christian faith.

In each session, the group will watch a video featuring a leading voice from the Christian faith, spend time on personal reflection and journaling, and share ideas with the group.  Topics include Prayer (Brian McLaren), Food (Sara Miles), Worship (Mike Slaughter), Sacraments (Phyllis Tickle), Money (Shane Claiborne), Service (Enuma Okoro) and Community (Doug Pagitt).

Here’s a short sample of the video from the session on “Food, eating with Jesus”.

For more information about Animate, visit the Sparkhouse website.

If you would like to join a small group for this study, contact Rev. Tony Johnson Joncevski on (03) 5244 2997 or via email.