The Gift of time spent in the company of God
The gift of Self-reflection
The gift of reaching out to our neighbours
The Lenten Offering is an annual event in the life of congregations within the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania. It is conducted during Lent and Easter at a time of reflection, renewal and recommitment.
In response to God’s love for all people and the giving of his son to the world, an opportunity is provided for people of the church to make a sacrificial offering to support important mission projects.

- Dignity for girls, International: To provide sanitary supplies to girls growing up in developing countries and to provide sewing machines and overlockers, fabric and other materials needed to produce the sanitary hygiene kits.
- Ministry Training, National: To provide ministry candidates with additional training about the formation of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) and recent developments in biblical and theological studies as they prepare to become a Minister of the Word or deacon in the UAICC.
- Live church streaming, Victoria: To help Hamilton Uniting Church purchase the necessary equipment to live stream their weekly church services to ageing congregations members in local hospitals, aged care facilities and homes.
- Growing Together, Tasmania: To help cover the costs of employing a part-time gardener for a community garden in Tasmania where people grow friendships and develop community connection and improve the nutrition of local school children and families.
By giving a special Lenten Offering you will be helping meet the real needs of people in our local and global communities and sharing the love of god.
To support the Lenten Offering pick up an appeal brochure at church, send a cheque or postal order to Share, PO Box 24154, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001 or free call 1800 668 426.
To donate online, follow this link: http://secure.donman.net.au/client/ShareAppeal/Donate.aspx