Weekly update
Here’s the update for this week. October is looking very busy for St. Luke’s, so be sure to check these dates and pop them into your calendar!
Weekly Update 22nd September 2019
Prayers for Climate Action

UCA President Dr Deidre Palmer has urged all people of the Uniting Church to show support for the global climate strike on 20 September as Pacific nation leaders declared a climate crisis this week.
Leaders at the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) Leaders’ Summit meeting in Fiji expressed their deep concern for the lack of “comprehension, ambition or commitment” shown by developed nations to the grave consequences of climate change facing the people of the Pacific.
In a statement called the Nadi Bay Declaration, Pacific leaders called for immediate action on a ‘climate crisis’, joining the global movement declaring a global climate emergency.
Read more here
Those of you with Facebook access may recognise our St Luke’s Congregation Chairperson in some of these photographs of the Geelong Climate Strike on Friday the 20th of September:
Patrick Callow Photos

Mental Health Month in October
See what the UCA community is up to in Kew, making a place of belonging for people with mental illness:
Stay tuned for information about our Mental Health first aid training in October at St Luke’s!