Sunday 19th April: Easter 2 – Online Worship

Grace and Peace to you all, in the name of Jesus.

Heartfelt thanks to Linda Salamy for editing this week’s worship service so that I could catch up on some very behind university study!  Thanks to Paul and Sue for presenting our worship today.

We also have many families from our Messy Church community who celebrate Orthodox Easter this weekend as part of their traditions – here are some special greetings from some of them!

If you are wanting to sing today, you might enjoy this favourite – “Be Thou My Vision”:

We also have some multi-sensory activities for you to do at home:

Easter 2 Resources

You might like to try dyeing your own eggs with Costa and friends:


Please keep in your prayers our partners in the Pacific, particularly Vanuatu, as they deal with the aftermath of Cyclone Harold.    Here is an update from UnitingWorld about the impact of COVID19 on our partners from poorer nations:

Above all, we urge you to continue to uphold one another in prayer, and we pray that you and your loved ones stay safe and well, and know the transforming presence of Jesus through these challenging and uncertain times.