Combined Pentecost Service 23rd May 2021

The Uniting Churches across the Greater Geelong area are joining together in a celebration service for Pentecost on May 23rd at 3pm.  The Venue is to be advised. 

This will be a service for all ages and an inspiring time to allow the Holy Spirit to revitalise and empower us all. 

We will be having a Combined Choir for this service so if you like to sing then please sing up through this trybooking link

or phone Rev Amanda Nicholas on 0413 617 469

There will be 6 rehearsals for the choir and we are offering rehearsals on Tuesday nights  AND OR Sunday Afternoons.  You can come to both rehearsals if you would like to.

Once you register you will be sent the music and some recordings of the songs so you can practice at home and get your congregation to learn some new songs. 

If you would like to help out with the Afternoon Tea on the day then please contact Rev Suzie Castle at

We will need some help setting up and packing up so if you can help with that on Saturday May 22 and or Sunday May 23rd then please contact Rev Narelle Collas at